Cleaning Bubble Gum Messes
How to clean Bubble Gum off of pants and inside of a washing machine
In mankind’s ongoing love/hate affair with bubble gum the issue of cleaning up unwonted expectorated pieces rages on. One of the previous blog posts dealt with the issue of removing bubble gum up from your carpet. This particular post will examine some tips and tricks gathered from around the web on how to clean bubble gum off of your clothes. As a bonus and almost certainly related issue the technique of how to clean up bubble gum from inside of your dryer will be examined as well.
How to clean Bubble Gum off of your carpet
How many times in your life have you suffered through the unfortunate crisis of dealing with rogue used bubble gum? Bubble gum is all fun and games while you are chewing away without a care in the world. The real problem begins when the flavor runs out and so does your desire to keep the gum in your mouth. There are only a couple of options with which you are no able to deal with the situation including expulsion from your oral cavity.
How clean Bubble Gum from your shoes
One of the most frustrating moments in the day of someone who likes to walk places instead of using modern transportation is noticing their steps are being hindered…. by bubble gum. It goes without saying that having bubble gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe is really annoying. Have you ever seen anyone jump for joy after realizing there is honking piece of chewed gum clinging to the sole of their show?